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Raleigh -Durham-Cary
Roommate Search Wanted

Roommate for 2 bed 2 bath


Hi all! 

I’m looking for a roommate to rent a 2 bed 2 bath apartment at 605 West End in Durham. I am planning on moving in the first week of July. I’m looking for a female roommate preferably in her 20s and someone who can keep their space clean. No pets please. 

Little bit about myself: I am completely new to the area and am moving to Durham to work in healthcare at Duke. I’m usually an easy going person. I like traveling, exploring new things, being outdoors, and enjoy going on walks and hikes. I also love being around friends and family. I like to think of myself as a social person but I also need my own space.



                                 DISCLAIMER FROM APNARTP ADMIN



  1. If you are out of State and planning to move , Please have someone look at the Apartment , Townhome, House Before sending a deposit.
  2. Email , So we can help avoid spams in case you feel somebody is suspicious.
  3. There are many fake profiles be careful. Someone can share a fake ID or Non Existent Address (It's come to our attention ), Again dont send /Zelle any Deposit unless you have met this person or is genuine.
